Our Impact


Join us in service

We are grateful for the financial gifts that keep us moving forward. If you’ve never made a financial contribution to Calvary Baptist, consider investing in our vision and mission.

Friends filling meal kits

Our work in 2021

Top 5%

In financial giving to the American Baptist Churches (USA)

1,200 food items

Shared with the Hopewell community through The Chubby’s Project

12+ events

Hosted with the Hopewell Council of Churches

Bicycle rider outside cafe

Partner together

Our life as a church is built on the belief that we’re called to do something in the world. And just as importantly, we believe that everyone is called into the life of the church, and yes, you too!

Engage in learning

Join Bible studies and Sunday school at Calvary. See the calendar

Join Sundays of Service

Participate in the Hopewell-wide Sundays of Service with the broader Christian community. Get info


Participate on Sunday morning

Whether it’s greeting, preparing coffee, or playing music, there’s a spot for you on Sunday mornings. Say hello