Our ministries

  • Sundays of Service

    We partner with the Hopewell Council of Churches in a community-wide day of service. Activities include litter clean-up, gardening, home maintenance, and other tangible expressions of God’s love.

  • Hopewell Youth Collective

    The Hopewell Youth Collective equips young people for leadership, service, and learning in Hopewell and beyond. We partner with the Hopewell Youth Collective in its mission to provide meaningful care and peer connection for youth.

  • Chubby's Project

    The Chubby’s Project is a hyperlocal program dedicated to food justice and building connections within the Hopewell community. We’re a proud financial sponsor of the Chubby’s project in addition to our active volunteer service.

  • Hopewell Council of Churches

    The Hopewell Council of Churches is an ecumenical association of local congregations. Calvary partners with the HCC in its outreach, community service, and spiritual formation programs.

  • Sunday Worship

    We gather at 10:00 AM each week for services of Scripture, prayer, music, and liturgy. Services are serious but informal, with a friendly atmosphere that is family-oriented and relaxed.

  • Coffee and bagels

    Stay after worship each week to enjoy community and fellowship with bagels and coffee! This time begins immediately after worship around 11 AM.

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