Vision & Mission



Calvary Baptist Church envisions a community in Hopewell that knows God’s love. That’s not a platitude for us — we believe that the love of God is tangible, meaningful, real.

We seek to be a church which concretely addresses food insecurity and hunger in Hopewell; regularly volunteers and gives financially; and is known throughout central New Jersey as a congregation of friendship and family.

Donation truck to food pantry


Our mission is to love God, love others, and serve the world. Our mission is rooted in the idea that we are all ministers of Jesus Christ, and that we are called to share our gifts both individually and collectively.

We embrace the world as our neighbor, and are energized by the ministries of discipleship, spiritual care, and service to others.

Join us in building a stronger Hopewell

The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. There’s nothing better than making new friends and meeting our neighbors.